How does Face Detection works?
As it’s name says, face detection is a way of using software to determine the similarity between two face images in order to evaluate a claim. The technology is used for a variety of purposes, form signing a user into it’s phone to even search for a person in a database.
There’s also Facial Characterization, this refers to the practice of using a software to classify a single face according to it’s race, gender, age, emotion or any other characteristic, however this is different to Facial Detecion, by the later one being just detecting faces and call it a go, Facial Characterization tries to detect varied specific characteristics based on your face.
But how exactly does Face Detection works? You see, it uses conmputed-generated filters to transform images into numerical expressions that can be compared to determine similarities. These filters are usually generated by using “deep learning”, which uses neural networks to process data, just imagine it that you feed images of what faces are to a computer, then the computer learns that those images are faces, based on those images that you fed the computer, it can determine what is a face.
Facial recognition is improving rapidly over time, but while algorithms can achieve high performance in controlled settings, many sistems have lower performance when deployed in the real world. Summarizing the accurate of a facial recognition system is difficult, however, there isn’t a single measure that provides a complete picture of the performance.
Facial recognition is usually discused only in the context of its most dystopic applications, but in reality is a multifaceted tool that can be applied to a range of different problems. Facial recognition is used to aid human decision making rather than replacing it. Human oversight helps to mitigate the risk of error. Operators need to understand how system performance can be affected by the deployment conditions in order to put in place the right safeguards to manage trade-offs between accuracy and risk. A better understanding of the issues covered in this report will help ensure this technology can be deployed safely in ways that let us capture its benefits while managing the risks.